Monday, July 28, 2014

Not feeling creative with the subject line. Good week!

Manahoana daholo eo! How's everyone doing? Hope it's been a good week for everyone. It's been another good one here on the other side of the map. I'm so tired right now, we just got back from playing soccer against our ward and they beat us something like 5-2. Oh well, we'll get em next time!

I'm not quite sure where to start, so we'll go back to yesterday. I got to give my first talk here in Madagascar! I gave it about vavaka. Prayer. At first I was a little nervous about it. I always get a little shaky when I get up in front of people like that. But I was surprised, it went by pretty smoothly. It was a far cry from the first time I bore my testimony! I just got up there with my scriptures and went at it. It wasn't perfect, but I feel alright about it. I used a quote from David A. Bednar when he talked about the windows of heaven back in October. He said something along the lines of, "Sometimes we may desire more income for our families, but what we receive is more skill to change our own situations. Sometimes we may pray for success, but strength is what we receive" wow I butchered that. I can't remember it in English, but something like it. So yeah, it went well!

The work has been going pretty good. Me and Elder Thompson got 30 lessons this week, so not too shabby. A lot of that came from porte a porte. We've been having a lot of success with that lately with meeting new people that can learn from us. A lot of times people with just say, "mandroso!" come in! And we sit down and get talking about what we do and we end up teaching a lesson. So that's been pretty convenient. We have about 6 investigators right now that are pretty solid and looking good that they'll get baptised in the near future, but hopefully in this new pool of people we've found there'll be a few more. We'll just have to see! We have this new stat that we keep track of. We keep track of how many hours we spend proselyting and that's really helped us to know where our time is going and where we can use it more effectively. Loving the work and having some fun with it.

I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but in our ward there's so many people that speak English. The bishopric does and we have a few returned missionaries that have gone English speaking. So that's been kinda cool to speak to them a little differently from time to time. I'm still learning malagasy and working hard to get it as mastered as I can, but I can communicate with anyone no problem. And I don't know if I already talked about this, but the other Elders in the District are teaching us a little bit of French! Well. I mean I ask them questions from time to time and I pick up a little bit every once and a while, so that's been kinda fun too. So many languages to learn! Too little time.

I can't really think of anything else interesting that happened this week... It's so weird to think this transfer is already halfway over. This next one could be crazy, there's 14 new missionaries coming in. I made a little bracket thing with the areas and I don't know where they're gonna put all of them! We're thinking one of us could be bouncing to reopen another area while the other stays and trains. Could be crazy! Other than not a whole lot else. Just lots and lots of work. Haha. I know I'm kindof a bad missionary and don't have a whole lot of details in this one, but if there's anything you all would like me to talk about more, alefaso! But for now I'm gonna get on to some other emails. And I got a couple pics up, so enjoy!!

Ny kibo tsy mba lamosina!

Have a great week everyone! Tiako ianareo!!

-Elder Mumf

Me and Thomper

Yup, that's exactly what you think it is

And now he's eating it...

Finally broke down and bought a watch

Me and Elder Thia!

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